Spokane, Washington has a total of 67 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Spokane, Washington and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Spokane listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Spokane, Washington, is home to around 195,629 people. It is found in Spokane County, and is located in the east of the state, some 229 miles from Seattle and 222 miles from Bellevue. During the 1990s, the population of Spokane grew by around 10%, but this has stagnated now, with a growth rate of less than 1% per year. Unfortunately, the city has a significant substance abuse problem. This is reflected in the fact that both property and violent crime levels are higher in Spokane than in the rest of the state, which is something that correlates to drug and alcohol abuse. To address this, the city authorities have put a number of different measures in place.
Statistics on Substance Abuse in Spokane, WA
In order to be able to measure the effectiveness of the various programs the city has put in place, they first needed to create a picture of the current situation. What they found was that:
The Spokane Approach
Spokane officials have put a number of different measures in place to combat the city’s drug and alcohol problem. These include:
It is hoped that, through the above seven measures, those who need help will be able to receive it, while at the same time lowering the number of people who eventually need help.
We have carefully sorted the 881 drug rehab centers in washington. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on washington drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.