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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Puerto-rico Treatment Centers

Drug rehab for pregnant women in Puerto-rico

There are a total of 0 drug treatment centers listed under the category Drug rehab for pregnant women in puerto-rico. If you have a facility that is part of the Drug rehab for pregnant women category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Puerto-rico is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

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Drug Facts

  • One in five adolescents have admitted to abusing inhalants.
  • Nearly 6,700 people each day abused a psychotropic medication for the first time.
  • Crack Cocaine is the riskiest form of a Cocaine substance.
  • 193,717 people were admitted to Drug rehabilitation or Alcohol rehabilitation programs in California in 2006.
  • More than half of new illicit drug users begin with marijuana.
  • Predatory drugs are drugs used to gain sexual advantage over the victim they include: Rohypnol (date rape drug), GHB and Ketamine.
  • Short term rehab effectively helps more women than men, even though they may have suffered more traumatic situations than men did.
  • PCP (known as Angel Dust) stays in the system 1-8 days.
  • Stimulants have both medical and non medical recreational uses and long term use can be hazardous to your health.
  • Research suggests that misuse of prescription opioid pain medicine is a risk factor for starting heroin use.
  • Only 50 of the 2,500 types of Barbiturates created in the 20th century were employed for medicinal purposes.
  • A young German pharmacist called Friedrich Sertrner (1783-1841) had first applied chemical analysis to plant drugs, by purifying in 1805 the main active ingredient of opium
  • The stressful situations that trigger alcohol and drug abuse in women is often more severe than that in men.
  • Nearly 23 Million people need treatment for chemical dependency.
  • In its purest form, heroin is a fine white powder
  • Misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs affects society through costs incurred secondary to crime, reduced productivity at work, and health care expenses.
  • 12-17 year olds abuse prescription drugs more than ecstasy, heroin, crack/cocaine and methamphetamines combined.1
  • Women abuse alcohol and drugs for different reasons than men do.
  • Nationally, illicit drug use has more than doubled among 50-59-year-old since 2002
  • Methamphetamine (MA), a variant of amphetamine, was first synthesized in Japan in 1893 by Nagayoshi Nagai from the precursor chemical ephedrine.

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