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Puerto rico Treatment Centers

Methadone detoxification in Puerto rico

There are a total of 4 drug treatment centers listed under the category Methadone detoxification in puerto rico. If you have a facility that is part of the Methadone detoxification category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Puerto rico is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

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Drug Facts

  • Approximately 65% of adolescents say that home medicine cabinets are the main source of drugs.
  • A 2007 survey in the US found that 3.3% of 12- to 17-year-olds and 6% of 17- to 25-year-olds had abused prescription drugs in the past month.
  • Ecstasy can cause kidney, liver and brain damage, including long-lasting lesions (injuries) on brain tissue.
  • Of the 500 metric tons of methamphetamine produced, only 4 tons is legally produced for legal medical use.
  • Underage Drinking: Alcohol use by anyone under the age of 21. In the United States, the legal drinking age is 21.
  • Each year, nearly 360,000 people received treatment specifically for stimulant addiction.
  • Methadone is a highly addictive drug, at least as addictive as heroin.
  • Many kids mistakenly believe prescription drugs are safer to abuse than illegal street drugs.2
  • Teens who have open communication with their parents are half as likely to try drugs, yet only a quarter of adolescents state that they have had conversations with their parents regarding drugs.
  • A person can become more tolerant to heroin so, after a short time, more and more heroin is needed to produce the same level of intensity.
  • From 1992 to 2003, teen abuse of prescription drugs jumped 212 percent nationally, nearly three times the increase of misuse among other adults.
  • Meth creates an immediate high that quickly fades. As a result, users often take it repeatedly, making it extremely addictive.
  • Nationally, illicit drug use has more than doubled among 50-59-year-old since 2002
  • Crystal meth comes in clear chunky crystals resembling ice and is most commonly smoked.
  • In its purest form, heroin is a fine white powder
  • The effects of synthetic drug use can include: anxiety, aggressive behavior, paranoia, seizures, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting and even coma or death.
  • Gangs, whether street gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs or even prison gangs, distribute more drugs on the streets of the U.S. than any other person or persons do.
  • Methamphetamine blocks dopamine re-uptake, methamphetamine also increases the release of dopamine, leading to much higher concentrations in the synapse, which can be toxic to nerve terminals.
  • Crack Cocaine use became enormously popular in the mid-1980's, particularly in urban areas.
  • Barbiturates are a class B drug, meaning that any use outside of a prescription is met with prison time and a fine.

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