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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Puerto rico Treatment Centers

Access to recovery voucher in Puerto rico

There are a total of 0 drug treatment centers listed under the category Access to recovery voucher in puerto rico. If you have a facility that is part of the Access to recovery voucher category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Puerto rico is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

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Drug Facts

  • Over 6 million people have ever admitted to using PCP in their lifetimes.
  • Stimulant drugs, such as Adderall, are the second most abused drug on college campuses, next to Marijuana.
  • There were over 20,000 ecstasy-related emergency room visits in 2011
  • Alcoholism has been found to be genetically inherited in some families.
  • Morphine is an extremely strong pain reliever that is commonly used with terminal patients.
  • People who abuse anabolic steroids usually take them orally or inject them into the muscles.
  • Abuse of the painkiller Fentanyl killed more than 1,000 people.
  • Cocaine is also the most common drug found in addition to alcohol in alcohol-related emergency room visits.
  • 6.8 million people with an addiction have a mental illness.
  • Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the oppositeintense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug.
  • Codeine is a prescription drug, and is part of a group of drugs known as opioids.
  • 31% of rock star deaths are related to drugs or alcohol.
  • Young people have died from dehydration, exhaustion and heart attack as a result of taking too much Ecstasy.
  • Drug addiction treatment programs are available for each specific type of drug from marijuana to heroin to cocaine to prescription medication.
  • Ketamine has risen by over 300% in the last ten years.
  • Inhalants go through the lungs and into the bloodstream, and are quickly distributed to the brain and other organs in the body.
  • Drug addiction and abuse costs the American taxpayers an average of $484 billion each year.
  • 70% to 80% of the world's cocaine comes from Columbia.
  • Amphetamine was first made in 1887 in Germany and methamphetamine, more potent and easy to make, was developed in Japan in 1919.
  • Heroin withdrawal occurs within just a few hours since the last use. Symptoms include diarrhea, insomnia, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and bone and muscle pain.

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