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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Oregon Treatment Centers

Substance abuse treatment in Oregon

There are a total of 345 drug treatment centers listed under the category Substance abuse treatment in oregon. If you have a facility that is part of the Substance abuse treatment category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Oregon is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 345 drug rehab centers in oregon. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on oregon drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs affects society through costs incurred secondary to crime, reduced productivity at work, and health care expenses.
  • Over 53 Million Opiate-based prescriptions are filled each year.
  • Methamphetamine is a synthetic (man-made) chemical, unlike cocaine, for instance, which comes from a plant.
  • In 1990, 600,000 children in the U.S. were on stimulant medication for A.D.H.D.
  • After time, a heroin user's sense of smell and taste become numb and may disappear.
  • Out of all the benzodiazepine emergency room visits 78% of individuals are using other substances.
  • In the year 2006 a total of 13,693 people were admitted to Drug rehab or Alcohol rehab programs in Arkansas.
  • In 1898 a German chemical company launched a new medicine called Heroin'
  • Opiates, mainly heroin, account for 18% of the admissions for drug and alcohol treatment in the US.
  • Nearly 23 Million people need treatment for chemical dependency.
  • The 2013 World Drug Report reported that Afghanistan is the leading producer and cultivator of opium worldwide, manufacturing 74 percent of illicit opiates. Mexico, however, is the leading supplier to the United States.
  • Texas is one of the hardest states on drug offenses.
  • Prescription medications are legal drugs.
  • A biochemical abnormality in the liver forms in 80 percent of Steroid users.
  • High dosages of ketamine can lead to the feeling of an out of body experience or even death.
  • Illicit drug use is estimated to cost $193 billion a year with $11 billion just in healthcare costs alone.
  • Prescription opioid pain medicines such as OxyContin and Vicodin have effects similar to heroin.
  • 3 Million people in the United States have been prescribed Suboxone to treat opioid addiction.
  • Morphine's use as a treatment for opium addiction was initially well received as morphine has about ten times more euphoric effects than the equivalent amount of opium. Over the years, however, morphine abuse increased.
  • Drug use can interfere with the fetus' organ formation, which takes place during the first ten weeks of conception.

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