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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Mississippi Treatment Centers

Hospitalization & inpatient drug rehab centers in Mississippi

There are a total of 49 drug treatment centers listed under the category Hospitalization & inpatient drug rehab centers in mississippi. If you have a facility that is part of the Hospitalization & inpatient drug rehab centers category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Mississippi is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 49 drug rehab centers in mississippi. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on mississippi drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Prescription drug spending increased 9.0% to $324.6 billion in 2015, slower than the 12.4% growth in 2014.
  • New scientific research has taught us that the brain doesn't finish developing until the mid-20s, especially the region that controls impulse and judgment.
  • Those who have become addicted to heroin and stop using the drug abruptly may have severe withdrawal.
  • Peyote is approximately 4000 times less potent than LSD.
  • In 2010, 42,274 emergency rooms visits were due to Ambien.
  • In 2014, there were over 39,000 unintentional drug overdose deaths in the United States
  • Twenty-five percent of those who began abusing prescription drugs at age 13 or younger met clinical criteria for addiction sometime in their life.
  • Medial drugs include prescription medication, cold and allergy meds, pain relievers and antibiotics.
  • Out of 2.6 million people who tried marijuana for the first time, over half were under the age of 18.
  • Effective drug abuse treatment engages participants in a therapeutic process, retains them in treatment for a suitable length of time, and helps them to maintain abstinence over time.
  • Only 9% of people actually get help for substance use and addiction.
  • Smoking tobacco can cause a miscarriage or a premature birth.
  • More than 29% of teens in treatment are there because of an addiction to prescription medication.
  • 2.5 million emergency department visits are attributed to drug misuse or overdose.
  • Cocaine has long been used for its ability to boost energy, relieve fatigue and lessen hunger.
  • Methadone is a highly addictive drug, at least as addictive as heroin.
  • The biggest abusers of prescription drugs aged 18-25.
  • Cocaine use can lead to death from respiratory (breathing) failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) or heart attack.
  • Two thirds of teens who abuse prescription pain relievers got them from family or friends, often without their knowledge, such as stealing them from the medicine cabinet.
  • In the 20th Century Barbiturates were Prescribed as sedatives, anesthetics, anxiolytics, and anti-convulsants

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