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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Augusta Treatment Centers

Drug Rehab Centers in Augusta, Maine

Augusta, Maine has a total of 27 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Augusta, Maine and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Augusta listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 489 drug rehab centers in maine. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on maine drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Taking Steroids raises the risk of aggression and irritability to over 56 percent.
  • Benzodiazepines are depressants that act as hypnotics in large doses, anxiolytics in moderate dosages and sedatives in low doses.
  • Nearly 300,000 Americans received treatment for hallucinogens in 2011.
  • Over 23.5 million people are in need of treatment for illegal drugs like Flakka.
  • The drug was first synthesized in the 1960's by Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company.
  • Methamphetamine can cause rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, elevated body temperature and convulsions.
  • Cocaine restricts blood flow to the brain, increases heart rate, and promotes blood clotting. These effects can lead to stroke or heart attack.
  • Cocaine use can cause the placenta to separate from the uterus, causing internal bleeding.
  • Alcohol can stay in one's system from one to twelve hours.
  • Approximately 65% of adolescents say that home medicine cabinets are the main source of drugs.
  • Codeine is a prescription drug, and is part of a group of drugs known as opioids.
  • Crack, the most potent form in which cocaine appears, is also the riskiest. It is between 75% and 100% pure, far stronger and more potent than regular cocaine.
  • Emergency room admissions due to Subutex abuse has risen by over 200% in just three years.
  • Substance abuse costs the health care system about $11 billion, with overall costs reaching $193 billion.
  • Illicit drug use costs the United States approximately $181 billion annually.
  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimated the worldwide production of amphetamine-type stimulants, which includes methamphetamine, at nearly 500 metric tons a year, with 24.7 million abusers.
  • A tweaker can appear normal - eyes clear, speech concise, and movements brisk; however, a closer look will reveal that the person's eyes are moving ten times faster than normal, the voice has a slight quiver, and movements are quick and jerky.
  • Cocaine first appeared in American society in the 1880s.
  • Prescription medications are legal drugs.

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