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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Maine Treatment Centers

Medicare drug rehabilitation in Maine

There are a total of 262 drug treatment centers listed under the category Medicare drug rehabilitation in maine. If you have a facility that is part of the Medicare drug rehabilitation category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Maine is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 262 drug rehab centers in maine. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on maine drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • 8.6% of 12th graders have used hallucinogens 4% report on using LSD specifically.
  • Crystal Meth is the world's second most popular illicit drug.
  • Synthetic drugs, also referred to as designer or club drugs, are chemically-created in a lab to mimic another drug such as marijuana, cocaine or morphine.
  • During the 1850s, opium addiction was a major problem in the United States.
  • From 1980-2000, modern antidepressants, SSRI and SNRI, were introduced.
  • Meth users often have bad teeth from poor oral hygiene, dry mouth as meth can crack and deteriorate teeth.
  • Emergency room admissions from prescription opiate abuse have risen by over 180% over the last five years.
  • Drug overdoses are the cause of 90% of deaths from poisoning.
  • When taken, meth and crystal meth create a false sense of well-being and energy, and so a person will tend to push his body faster and further than it is meant to go.
  • The sale of painkillers has increased by over 300% since 1999.
  • 8.6 million Americans aged 12 and older reported having used crack.
  • LSD can stay in one's system from a few hours to five days.
  • Over 60 Million are said to have prescription for sedatives.
  • In 2013, more high school seniors regularly used marijuana than cigarettes as 22.7% smoked pot in the last month, compared to 16.3% who smoked cigarettes.
  • When a pregnant woman takes drugs, her unborn child is taking them, too.
  • Another man on 'a mission from God' was stopped by police driving near an industrial park in Texas.
  • Crack causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the oppositeintense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug.
  • Barbiturates have been used for depression and even by vets for animal anesthesia yet people take them in order to relax and for insomnia.
  • Women born after World War 2 were more inclined to become alcoholics than those born before 1943.
  • Ecstasy causes hypothermia, which leads to muscle breakdown and could cause kidney failure.

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