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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Iowa Treatment Centers

Health & substance abuse services mix in Iowa

There are a total of 44 drug treatment centers listed under the category Health & substance abuse services mix in iowa. If you have a facility that is part of the Health & substance abuse services mix category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Iowa is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 44 drug rehab centers in iowa. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on iowa drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • The Department of Justice listed the Chicago metro area as the top destination in the United States for heroin shipments.
  • Methamphetamine has also been used in the treatment of obesity.
  • Steroid use can lead to clogs in the blood vessels, which can then lead to strokes and heart disease.
  • Mixing Ativan with depressants, such as alcohol, can lead to seizures, coma and death.
  • More than 29 percent of teens in treatment are dependent on tranquilizers, sedatives, amphetamines, and other stimulants (all types of prescription drugs).
  • In 1898 a German chemical company launched a new medicine called Heroin'
  • 8.6% of 12th graders have used hallucinogens 4% report on using LSD specifically.
  • Rock, Kryptonite, Base, Sugar Block, Hard Rock, Apple Jacks, and Topo (Spanish) are popular terms used for Crack Cocaine.
  • The most commonly abused prescription drugs are pain medications, sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medications and stimulants (used to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders).1
  • An estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs.
  • Crack Cocaine is the riskiest form of a Cocaine substance.
  • Over 30 Million people have admitted to abusing a cannabis-based product within the last year.
  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimated the worldwide production of amphetamine-type stimulants, which includes methamphetamine, at nearly 500 metric tons a year, with 24.7 million abusers.
  • One of the strongest forms of Amphetamines is Meth, which can come in powder, tablet or crystal form.
  • In 2011, a Pennsylvania couple stabbed the walls in their apartment to attack the '90 people living in their walls.'
  • The United States was the country in which heroin addiction first became a serious problem.
  • In the past 15 years, abuse of prescription drugs, including powerful opioid painkillers such as oxycodone and hydrocodone, has risen alarmingly among all ages, growing fastest among college-age adults, who lead all age groups in the misuse of medications.
  • Chronic crystal meth users also often display poor hygiene, a pale, unhealthy complexion, and sores on their bodies from picking at 'crank bugs' - the tactile hallucination that tweakers often experience.
  • Stimulants such as caffeine can be found in coffee, tea and most soft drinks.
  • 2.5 million emergency department visits are attributed to drug misuse or overdose.

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