Springfield, Illinois has a total of 20 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Springfield, Illinois and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Springfield listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Springfield is the capital city of Illinois and the sixth most populous city in the state. It's currently the largest location in central Illinois, and home to around 117,006 people. As a huge and sprawling place in America, Springfield is subject to many of the substance abuse and addiction problems that people face on a regular basis. Drug and alcohol addiction in America is becoming an increasingly common problem, with substance abuse claiming more lives every year. In fact, there has been a 4.3 fold increase in deaths related to opioids over the last few years.
Residents of Springfield are typically looking for detox and intervention treatment options to help them manage addiction to a range of powerful medications, including oxycontin, dulotin, and percocet. This can frequently progress to heroin use, particularly since it's so easy to mix heroin with other drugs. Generally, addicted people find it difficult to control their dosage of prescription drugs and heroin, which is what leads to so many overdoses in Springfield.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Skyrockets in Springfield
Although alcohol may be one of the most common problems for residents of Springfield in search of rehab and detox facilities, heroin abuse is equally problematic, considered to be an overarching threat to public health. According to the Office of Adolescent Health, about 38% of all high school students in Illinois have admitted to alcohol use. Unfortunately, only around 4% of youths in Illinois get access to the substance abuse treatment and support that they need. As drug and alcohol deaths and problems related with overdoses continue to skyrocket, the numbers highlight the need for stronger solutions from government and health officials throughout the state.
In Springfield, it's important for people with substance abuse problems to get the intervention and detox solutions they need from a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment from local centers. Although it's possible for people in Springfield to visit rehab centers out of town, many find that it's much easier to achieve success when they go to a program that is local because this allows them to stay close to their friends and family in the area. According to the National Institute on Drug and Alcohol Addiction, heroin is one of the most significant drug threats in Illinois, and combined with alcohol abuse, it requires that the people of Springfield need to get assistance from trained therapists and doctors at rehab centers.
Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Springfield
For residents of Springfield, solutions for treatment regarding drug and alcohol addiction remain far and few in between. While there are a few solutions available for detox and intervention such as the Illinois Recovery Institute and the Solutions Counseling Center, many of these clinics don't offer a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatments for people who not only need help detoxing from drugs and alcohol, but also need to find ways to come to terms with their addiction, and reduce the possibility of a relapse in the future. Some residents of Springfield may need to search out of town for support.
We have carefully sorted the 1278 drug rehab centers in illinois. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on illinois drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.