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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Illinois Treatment Centers

General health services in Illinois

There are a total of 16 drug treatment centers listed under the category General health services in illinois. If you have a facility that is part of the General health services category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Illinois is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 16 drug rehab centers in illinois. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on illinois drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Approximately 122,000 people have admitted to using PCP in the past year.
  • Other psychological symptoms include manic behavior, psychosis (losing touch with reality) and aggression, commonly known as 'Roid Rage'.
  • 90% of deaths from poisoning are directly caused by drug overdoses.
  • Today, it remains a very problematic and popular drug, as it's cheap to produce and much cheaper to purchase than powder cocaine.
  • Heroin tablets manufactured by The Fraser Tablet Company were marketed for the relief of asthma.
  • In 1898 a German chemical company launched a new medicine called Heroin'
  • 77% of college students who abuse steroids also abuse at least one other substance.
  • These days, taking pills is acceptable: there is the feeling that there is a "pill for everything".
  • An estimated 88,0009 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women9) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States.
  • Each year, over 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from Alcohol-related incidents in the U.S alone.
  • Over 200,000 people have abused Ketamine within the past year.
  • Oxycodone is usually swallowed but is sometimes injected or used as a suppository.
  • 70% to 80% of the world's cocaine comes from Columbia.
  • Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant made from the coca plant.
  • Over 750,000 people have used LSD within the past year.
  • 3 Million people in the United States have been prescribed Suboxone to treat opioid addiction.
  • When a person uses cocaine there are five new neural pathways created in the brain directly associated with addiction.
  • While the use of many street drugs is on a slight decline in the US, abuse of prescription drugs is growing.
  • Illegal drug use is declining while prescription drug abuse is rising thanks to online pharmacies and illegal selling.
  • Roughly 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an AUD.29

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