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Arvada Treatment Centers

Drug Rehab Centers in Arvada, Colorado

Arvada, Colorado has a total of 4 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Arvada, Colorado and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Arvada listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Addicted people did not really choose to become dependent on drugs or alcohol. Rather, they fell in the grips of a devastating, chronic mental illness, and one that negatively impacts every level of society. Putting measures in place to ensure that people who have fallen in the trap of addiction can get the help that they need, is something that benefits entire communities. This is something that the authorities in Arvada, CO, understand very well, which is why they have placed such a focus on making treatment more accessible and on making sure that people are aware of the treatment solutions that are available.

Statistics on Substance Abuse in Arvada, CO

There are some significant issues with drug and alcohol abuse in Arvada, CO. One of the key issues that has been identified, is the level of addiction among the prison population, and the fact that they report "serious psychological stress" at rates that are four times higher than that of the average population. Additionally, there are concerns with seniors and addiction to prescription painkillers in particular. This is such a significant issue, in fact, that some treatment centers have now started to offer specialized services specifically for seniors.

If you need help with a drug or alcohol problem in Arvada, there are a number of options available to you, including:

  • The Raleigh House of Hope
  • West Pines Behavioral Health

Getting Help with a Drug or Alcohol Addiction in Arvada, CO

A distinctive feature that sets addiction apart is that those who suffer from it tend to deny that they have a problem. This means that it is rare for them to seek help themselves, unless some sort of intervention is organized. That said, it is irrelevant whether people enter treatment voluntarily or under some sort of duress, so long as they get the treatment that they require.

The process of recovering from an addiction starts with detox, during which time the body becomes clean. All remaining toxins and chemicals related to the substance are removed from the body, after which the psychological addiction can be properly addressed. Most people experience significant withdrawal symptoms during this time, which is why it should always be medically supervised.

Meanwhile, although the body will no longer need the drugs or alcohol after detox, the mind still does and those cravings are very hard to manage. This is why rehab treatment must be provided after detox. During rehab, be that on an inpatient or outpatient basis, patients are counseled individually and as part of a group of their peers to help them better understand their addiction and their life choices. Furthermore, therapists at rehab centers will encourage family therapy, as this will enable the recovering patient to rebuild bridges and develop a support network.

After patients are released from rehab, they must be provided with aftercare. While relapse is believed to be a normal part of recovery, the goal is to avoid it as much as possible. And if it does happen, it is desirable to catch it as early as possible and then help the patient get back on track. This is all done through aftercare, where recovering patients can continue to receive support in a variety of different ways as appropriate to their needs.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 793 drug rehab centers in colorado. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on colorado drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Oxycontin is know on the street as the hillbilly heroin.
  • Ecstasy can stay in one's system for 1-5 days.
  • The intense high a heroin user seeks lasts only a few minutes.
  • Nitrous oxide is a medical gas that is referred to as "laughing gas" among users.
  • Nicknames for Alprazolam include Alprax, Kalma, Nu-Alpraz, and Tranax.
  • Alcohol poisoning deaths are most common among ages 35-64 years old.
  • 37% of people claim that the U.S. is losing ground in the war on prescription drug abuse.
  • Other names of ecstasy include Eckies, E, XTC, pills, pingers, bikkies, flippers, and molly.
  • Dilaudid is 8 times more potent than morphine.
  • Because of the tweaker's unpredictability, there have been reports that they can react violently, which can lead to involvement in domestic disputes, spur-of-the-moment crimes, or motor vehicle accidents.
  • Dual Diagnosis treatment is specially designed for those suffering from an addiction as well as an underlying mental health issue.
  • From 1920- 1933, the illegal trade of Alcohol was a booming industry in the U.S., causing higher rates of crime than before.
  • The number of people receiving treatment for addiction to painkillers and sedatives has doubled since 2002.
  • In treatment, the drug abuser is taught to break old patterns of behavior, action and thinking. All While learning new skills for avoiding drug use and criminal behavior.
  • Test subjects who were given cocaine and Ritalin could not tell the difference.
  • Brain changes that occur over time with drug use challenge an addicted person's self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs.
  • 45% of people who use heroin were also addicted to prescription opioid painkillers.
  • Of the 500 metric tons of methamphetamine produced, only 4 tons is legally produced for legal medical use.
  • The United States produces on average 300 tons of barbiturates per year.

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