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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Washington Treatment Centers

Halfway houses in Washington

There are a total of 24 drug treatment centers listed under the category Halfway houses in washington. If you have a facility that is part of the Halfway houses category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Washington is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 24 drug rehab centers in washington. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on washington drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • About 16 million individuals currently abuse prescription medications
  • Marijuana is just as damaging to the lungs and airway as cigarettes are, leading to bronchitis, emphysema and even cancer.
  • The Use of Methamphetamine surged in the 1950's and 1960's, when users began injecting more frequently.
  • For every dollar that you spend on treatment of substance abuse in the criminal justice system, it saves society on average four dollars.
  • Heroin is highly addictive and withdrawal extremely painful.
  • Unintentional deaths by poison were related to prescription drug overdoses in 84% of the poison cases.
  • Cigarettes can kill you and they are the leading preventable cause of death.
  • In 2010, 42,274 emergency rooms visits were due to Ambien.
  • 100 people die every day from drug overdoses. This rate has tripled in the past 20 years.
  • Non-pharmaceutical fentanyl is sold in the following forms: as a powder; spiked on blotter paper; mixed with or substituted for heroin; or as tablets that mimic other, less potent opioids.
  • Over 60 Million are said to have prescription for tranquilizers.
  • The act in 1914 prohibited the import of coca leaves and Cocaine, except for pharmaceutical purposes.
  • The number of people receiving treatment for addiction to painkillers and sedatives has doubled since 2002.
  • 22.7 million people (as of 2007) have reported using LSD in their lifetime.
  • Painkillers are among the most commonly abused prescription drugs.
  • Alcohol can impair hormone-releasing glands causing them to alter, which can lead to dangerous medical conditions.
  • Mixing Adderall with Alcohol increases the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • The penalties for drug offenses vary from state to state.
  • In 2011, over 65 million doses of Krokodil were seized within just three months.
  • Amphetamine withdrawal is characterized by severe depression and fatigue.

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