Madison, Wisconsin has a total of 52 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Madison, Wisconsin and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Madison listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Madison, WI has relatively low numbers of drug and alcohol abuse. In fact, it is believed that the only addictive substance that will result in lives lost this year in this city, is tobacco. There are just 148 people who abuse prescription medication and 55 cocaine addicts. No data exists on people abusing heroin at all. It is believed that this is mainly due to the significant efforts of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS).
The DHS Approach
The DHS is responsible for studying substance abuse, and to use the results of these studies to drive prevention priorities. They started doing this in 2006, when the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) was established. Their first order of business was to publish the Epidemiological Profile on Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Wisconsin (EPAODUW), which they have repeated every other year. The latest report was published in 2016.
In the latest EPAODUW, indicators were included on substance use, substance misuse, and substance abuse. Additionally, it looked at the consequences and what the risk factors for turning towards substances were. This also helps to shape intervention, thereby preventing people from turning to addictive substances in the first place.
The main findings of the latest EPAODUW were:
That being said, a number of positive trends have emerged, and particularly in Madison. Madison is no longer representative of the state of Wisconsin as a whole, because its approach is working so well. What has been found there is that:
The Focus Area
Because of the latest results of the EPAODUW, the DHS has identified five specific areas in which further efforts have to be made. Those are:
The DHS aims to achieve this through better access to detox and rehab treatment centers, an increased understanding of addiction, and strong prevention efforts.
We have carefully sorted the 688 drug rehab centers in wisconsin. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on wisconsin drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.