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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Connecticut Treatment Centers

Teenage drug rehab centers in Connecticut

There are a total of 32 drug treatment centers listed under the category Teenage drug rehab centers in connecticut. If you have a facility that is part of the Teenage drug rehab centers category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Connecticut is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

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Drug Facts

  • The National Institute of Justice research shows that, compared with traditional criminal justice strategies, drug treatment and other costs came to about $1,400 per drug court participant, saving the government about $6,700 on average per participant.
  • Cocaine only has an effect on a person for about an hour, which will lead a person to have to use cocaine many times through out the day.
  • Oxycodone is sold under many trade names, such as Percodan, Endodan, Roxiprin, Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet and OxyContin.
  • For every dollar that you spend on treatment of substance abuse in the criminal justice system, it saves society on average four dollars.
  • Using Crack Cocaine, even once, can result in life altering addiction.
  • Out of 2.6 million people who tried marijuana for the first time, over half were under the age of 18.
  • Painkillers are among the most commonly abused prescription drugs.
  • Disability-Adjusted Life-Years (DALYs): A measure of years of life lost or lived in less than full health.
  • Meth can lead to your body overheating, to convulsions and to comas, eventually killing you.
  • Heroin tablets manufactured by The Fraser Tablet Company were marketed for the relief of asthma.
  • Individuals with severe drug problems and or underlying mental health issues typically need longer in-patient drug treatment often times a minimum of 3 months is recommended.
  • Bath Salts attributed to approximately 22,000 ER visits in 2011.
  • 90% of people are exposed to illegal substance before the age of 18.
  • Girls seem to become addicted to nicotine faster than boys do.
  • 1/3 of teenagers who live in states with medical marijuana laws get their pot from other people's prescriptions.
  • Nationally, illicit drug use has more than doubled among 50-59-year-old since 2002
  • Most users sniff or snort cocaine, although it can also be injected or smoked.
  • Oxycodone is usually swallowed but is sometimes injected or used as a suppository.
  • It is estimated 20.4 million people age 12 or older have tried methamphetamine at sometime in their lives.
  • 2.3% of eighth graders, 5.2% of tenth graders and 6.5% of twelfth graders had tried Ecstasy at least once.

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