Austin, Texas has a total of 39 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Austin, Texas and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Austin listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Austin, TX faces problems with drug and alcohol abuse in the same manner as other cities in the state, and even the country. In order to address this, they have put numerous solutions in place, from intervention to rehab, and from detox to aftercare, in order to make sure addicted people can regain control of their health and happiness. In so doing, they are helping them to once again become contributing members of society.
Community Resources
What Austin has done for many years is understand the seriousness of addiction, drug abuse, and alcoholism. They also understand that professional help is required in order to resolve this. Hence, many community resources have been put in place for those who require treatment.
Most importantly, Austin treatment centers aim to offer addicted individuals and their loved ones hope. They are indiscriminate of gender, age, or background, and help is available for people regardless of whether they have gone through detox and rehab in the past. Rather, they offer intensive counseling services in both inpatient and outpatient facilities, as well as a wealth of group meetings, such as Heroin Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, and so on.
Drug Courts in Austin
Austin is also home to a number of drug courts. Here, a judge mandates participation in a Drug Offender Education Program. These programs stand as an example to other community support programs, communication with and integrating various other services that are required. There are a number of intensive driving while intoxicated (DWI) intervention programs, which DWI offenders have to attend.
Alcoholism and Drug Addiction in Austin
Addiction professionals in Austin recognize that alcoholism is not a lifestyle choice, or a sign of weakness. Rather, it is a recognized disease. Similarly, chemical dependency is a disease as well. This means that these people are in pain and must be provided with the support they need to be healed, empowering them to start a new life in which they become healthy, happy, and productive members of society.
Austin is committed to making sure that people who need treatment can access it. This is why most drug and alcohol rehab facilities now accept most forms of insurance. Alternatively, they offer income based, sliding scale treatment services. This ensures that anyone, regardless of the substance abuse problem they suffer from, can get help.
Rehab in Austin
Uniquely, in Austin, all facilities base the treatment they provide on the American Psychological Association's Disease Concept and the Model of Relapse Prevention by Terence Gorski. This means that different types of treatments are offered to those who enter rehab for the first time, and those who have attended several times before.
These programs, whether delivered on a residential or outpatient basis, are all very intensive. This is particularly necessary for those who have struggled to beat their addiction in the past. Specifically, solutions are in place for those who have started to develop a relapse pattern, which is very common in addiction. What these programs do is work harder at identifying what the various triggers are, and how these can be avoided.
We have carefully sorted the 1001 drug rehab centers in texas. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on texas drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.