Providence, Rhode-island has a total of 29 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Providence, Rhode-island and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Providence listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Unfortunately, the city of Providence and, in fact, the state of Rhode Island as a whole, are known for their drug and alcohol problems. The city ranks first in use of illicit drugs, and third in deaths due to alcohol poisoning. As a result of this, Providence has put in numerous intervention efforts to try to improve on the situation.
Why Substance Abuse Is so Widespread
It is not known exactly why substance abuse is so widespread in this city. However, it is believed that there is a link to the high levels of unemployment, which is the fourth highest in the nation. The National Institutes of Health have demonstrated the positive correlation between substance abuse and job losses.
The Alcohol Problem
Ranking third in the country in terms of alcohol poisoning deaths was of particular concern to Providence, which is why this has been investigated in greater detail. They now know that:
Legal Problem or Medical Problem?
Providence has taken the approach of seeing substance abuse as both a medical condition and a legal condition. It is known that extensive resources are spent on incarceration but, were this spent on treatment instead, the chance of recovery is much higher. Yet, only 10% of incarcerated individuals with a substance abuse disorder were able to receive treatment.
It is now widely agreed upon that addiction is a mental illness, rather than a crime. This has been proven, in great part, by the fact that, despite drugs being illegal, people continue to use it. Similarly, when alcohol was banned during the Prohibition, it continues to exist.
There is now some suggestion that Rhode Island as a whole may follow the example of Portugal, where drugs have been completely decriminalized. This has led to a big reduction in HIV contraction and overdose rates. However, for many, decriminalizing drugs is too controversial. In fact, even cannabis isn't legal yet in Rhode Island.
Treatment in Providence
Providence is home to a number of treatment services, including detox and rehab, most of which are managed by the Clinical Services of Rhode Island. They have seen a sharp increase in the number of heroin addicts seeking help recently. Furthermore, they feel cannabis has been shown to be a gateway drug to stronger substances. At the same time, they recognize that if cannabis were to be legalized, it would be harder for young people to get access it, as they will no longer be a target for drug dealers.
The focus in Rhode Island is now on putting systems in place to stop the downward spiral of abuse that is happening. This is done firstly by outreach programs to help lower the frequency of teen drug and alcohol abuse. The second effort is around providing treatment for addiction, through available, affordable, personalized, and comprehensive detox and rehab facilities, as well as strong aftercare programs. It is hoped that this will help to turn around the negative statistics in Providence.
We have carefully sorted the 127 drug rehab centers in rhode-island. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on rhode-island drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.