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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Minnesota Treatment Centers

Mens drug rehab in Minnesota

There are a total of 181 drug treatment centers listed under the category Mens drug rehab in minnesota. If you have a facility that is part of the Mens drug rehab category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Minnesota is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 181 drug rehab centers in minnesota. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on minnesota drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • 60% of teens who have abused prescription painkillers did so before age 15.
  • Crystal Meth use can cause insomnia, anxiety, and violent or psychotic behavior.
  • Among teens, prescription drugs are the most commonly used drugs next to marijuana, and almost half of the teens abusing prescription drugs are taking painkillers.
  • Alcohol is a sedative.
  • Over 60% of deaths from drug overdoses are accredited to prescription drugs.
  • Prescription painkillers are powerful drugs that interfere with the nervous system's transmission of the nerve signals we perceive as pain.
  • After hitting the market, Ativan was used to treat insomnia, vertigo, seizures, and alcohol withdrawal.
  • Cocaine comes in two forms. One is a powder and the other is a rock. The rock form of cocaine is referred to as crack cocaine.
  • Roughly 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an AUD.29
  • Alprazolam is a generic form of the Benzodiazepine, Xanax.
  • Oxycodone is usually swallowed but is sometimes injected or used as a suppository.
  • Each year, nearly 360,000 people received treatment specifically for stimulant addiction.
  • About 16 million individuals currently abuse prescription medications
  • Crystal meth comes in clear chunky crystals resembling ice and is most commonly smoked.
  • MDMA is known on the streets as: Molly, ecstasy, XTC, X, E, Adam, Eve, clarity, hug, beans, love drug, lovers' speed, peace, uppers.
  • Krododil users rarely live more than one year after taking it.
  • Paint thinner and glue can cause birth defects similar to that of alcohol.
  • Stimulants have both medical and non medical recreational uses and long term use can be hazardous to your health.
  • Ecstasy causes hypothermia, which leads to muscle breakdown and could cause kidney failure.
  • Today, heroin is known to be a more potent and faster acting painkiller than morphine because it passes more readily from the bloodstream into the brain.

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