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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Frankfort Treatment Centers

Drug Rehab Centers in Frankfort, Kentucky

Frankfort, Kentucky has a total of 8 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Frankfort, Kentucky and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Frankfort listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 660 drug rehab centers in kentucky. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on kentucky drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Street names for fentanyl or for fentanyl-laced heroin include Apache, China Girl, China White, Dance Fever, Friend, Goodfella, Jackpot, Murder 8, TNT, and Tango and Cash.
  • Bath Salts cause brain swelling, delirium, seizures, liver failure and heart attacks.
  • Cocaine only has an effect on a person for about an hour, which will lead a person to have to use cocaine many times through out the day.
  • Heroin is a 'downer,' which means it's a depressant that slows messages traveling between the brain and body.
  • Methadone was created by chemists in Germany in WWII.
  • Crystal meth is a stimulant that can be smoked, snorted, swallowed or injected.
  • Because it is smoked, the effects of crack cocaine are more immediate and more intense than that of powdered cocaine.
  • Over 20 million individuals were abusing Darvocet before any limitations were put on the drug.
  • In 2008, the Thurston County Narcotics Task Force seized about 700 Oxycontin tablets that had been diverted for illegal use, said task force commander Lt. Lorelei Thompson.
  • Barbiturates are a class B drug, meaning that any use outside of a prescription is met with prison time and a fine.
  • Codeine is widely used in the U.S. by prescription and over the counter for use as a pain reliever and cough suppressant.
  • Drug use can interfere with the healthy birth of a baby.
  • Adverse effects from Ambien rose nearly 220 percent from 2005 to 2010.
  • The United States was the country in which heroin addiction first became a serious problem.
  • A binge is uncontrolled use of a drug or alcohol.
  • Most users sniff or snort cocaine, although it can also be injected or smoked.
  • 6.8 million people with an addiction have a mental illness.
  • 3 Million people in the United States have been prescribed Suboxone to treat opioid addiction.

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