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Savannah Treatment Centers

Drug Rehab Centers in Savannah, Georgia

Savannah, Georgia has a total of 13 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Savannah, Georgia and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Savannah listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Savannah, GA, is a beautiful part of this country, and an embodiment of what people consider "The South" to look like. However, while picturesque and beautiful, it has some serous problems as well. One of the most serious issues at present is that of substance abuse. One way in which the city has sought to address this is by the implementation of the Savannah-Chatham County Drug Court. This court has been recognized nationally for its excellence, serving as a model for other drug courts across the nation.

That being said, the drug court is a reactive response to a problem, and Savannah is committed to also being proactive. While it is incredibly important that people who have fallen victim to the disease of addiction are given the treatment that they need, it is equally important that efforts are in place to stop people from becoming addicted to a drug or alcohol in the first place. In order to develop proper intervention programs, Savannah officials first needed to understand the scope of the problem.

Statistics on Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Savannah

Research has demonstrated that:

  • 97% of people know someone in Savannah who uses cannabis.
  • 66% of people believe cannabis should be available for medicinal purposes.
  • 42% of people who admit to using substances started between the ages of 18 and 25.
  • 52% of people believe it is easy to access cocaine in Savannah.
  • 89% of people believe there is a growing concern with meth use.
  • 90% of people believe there is a growing problem with non-medical use of prescription drugs in Savannah.
  • 86% of people believe more money should be invested in proper detox and rehab facilities to address the problem.
  • 52,478 Savannah residents are classed as drinking alcohol to problematic levels.
  • 20,335 people in Savannah currently abuse illicit substances, of which 3,213 also consume alcohol.
  • The greatest drug concerns include cannabis (3,071 users), heroin (2,583 users), crack and powder cocaine (2,440 users), and stimulants (1,566 users).

Addressing the Problem in Savannah

Savannah is listening to its population and investing heavily in making detox and rehab treatment more available, removing barriers to access. These barriers include finances, lack of knowledge, and poor intervention efforts. The facilities that are available include inpatient and outpatient facilities, and the recommendation is for people to attend inpatient centers, preferably for a period of 90 days. Following completion of their rehab treatment, aftercare programs have also been put in place. These aim to reduce the rates of relapse, by continuing to support people through counseling, therapy, 12 step programs, sober living facilities, and self-help groups.

At the same time, Savannah wants to make sure that people do not turn to drugs in the first place. They are targeting young people in particular with this. Various efforts and strategies have been implemented to ensure that young people are aware of the dangers of substance abuse, and also that they know of alternatives that are healthier and will increase their overall happiness.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 532 drug rehab centers in georgia. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on georgia drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Opioid painkillers produce a short-lived euphoria, but they are also addictive.
  • Use of amphetamines is increasing among college students. One study across a hundred colleges showed nearly 7% of college students use amphetamines illegally. Over 25% of students reported use in the past year.
  • Ecstasy speeds up heart rate and blood pressure and disrupts the brain's ability to regulate body temperature, which can result in overheating to the point of hyperthermia.
  • In Russia, Krokodil is estimated to kill 30,000 people each year.
  • More than fourty percent of people who begin drinking before age 15 eventually become alcoholics.
  • The most commonly abused brand-name painkillers include Vicodin, Oxycodone, OxyContin and Percocet.
  • Alprazolam is an addictive sedative used to treat panic and anxiety disorders.
  • When a person uses cocaine there are five new neural pathways created in the brain directly associated with addiction.
  • In 1904, Barbiturates were introduced for further medicinal purposes
  • 18 percent of drivers killed in a crash tested positive for at least one drug.
  • Nearly 50% of all emergency room admissions from poisonings are attributed to drug abuse or misuse.
  • Nearly 2/3 of those found in addiction recovery centers report sexual or physical abuse as children.
  • Approximately 28% of teens know at least one person who has used Ecstasy, with 17% knowing more than one person who has tried it.
  • Two-thirds of the ER visits related to Ambien were by females.
  • Cocaine is sometimes taken with other drugs, including tranquilizers, amphetamines,2 marijuana and heroin.
  • War veterans often turn to drugs and alcohol to forget what they went through during combat.
  • 6.5% of high school seniors smoke pot daily, up from 5.1% five years ago. Meanwhile, less than 20% of 12th graders think occasional use is harmful, while less than 40% see regular use as harmful (lowest numbers since 1983).
  • Depressants are widely used to relieve stress, induce sleep and relieve anxiety.
  • By survey, almost 50% of teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs60% to 70% say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs.
  • Over 6 million people have ever admitted to using PCP in their lifetimes.

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