Tallahassee, Florida has a total of 18 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Tallahassee, Florida and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Tallahassee listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Tallahassee, FL, in Leon County, has significantly lower drug-related fatalities than the rest of the state. Similarly, fewer students use drugs. That said, it is has some significant problems. The two greatest substances of concern in Tallahassee at present are cocaine and Xantax, or at least its active compound alprazolam. At the same time, it should be noted that the rates of use for those two substances are lower than the state average.
Substance Abuse Problems with Young People
The 2014 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey also reported that there are far fewer middle and high school students who abuse a drug or alcohol. However, 49.2% of all high school students, as well as 20% of all students in middle schools, did admit to have tried alcohol once or more in their life. More young people have tried alcohol than what they have tried tobacco.
What does continue to be a concern in Tallahassee, however, is the number of people, and particularly young people, who use marijuana. This is actually the second most commonly abused substance. 30.8% of students in high school admit that they use it at present. Inhalants are also commonly abused by middle school students, which is a very serious issue.
Overall, however, the rates of abuse of inhalants, marijuana, and alcohol were all much well below the average for the state. Perhaps most promising of all is the fact that the rates, which are already low, have dropped from the levels in 2012, which in turn dropped from the levels in 2010.
Collaboration with Drug Prevention Organizations
Tallahassee works closely together with various drug prevention organizations, including community groups, school educators, and the local government. It is believed that it is their excellent work and integrated approach, that has made the drug abuse rates in Tallahassee to be that low. It is certainly true that there are more school-based, family-based, and community-based organizations in Tallahassee than anywhere else not just in the state, but in the country as a whole.
If people do suffer from addiction in Tallahassee, help is out there for them. There are numerous treatment facilities that people can choose to go to, where they will be supported in a comfortable, emphatic, and safe manner.
Treatment Centers in Tallahassee
Tallahassee has taken a strong preventive approach, which seems to be working. At the same time, authorities are realistic about the fact that there will always be people who will use addictive substances, whether it is alcohol, drugs, or a prescription medication, and they are deserving of help. As a result, there are numerous high quality detox and rehab facilities that people can go to. While people can refer themselves to those facilities, it is usually a process following an intervention. The recommendation is for people with an addiction to find inpatient or residential, treatment, as this is more likely to be successful. Either way, Tallahassee has made it clear that a substance abuse disorder is a disease that can be treated. Removing the various obstacles to seeking help has led to particularly positive and successful results.
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