Naples, Florida has a total of 12 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Naples, Florida and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Naples listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
The issues with substance abuse and drug or alcohol addiction in Naples, Florida, are becoming worse. As one of the largest and wealthiest cities within the United States, many people would assume that the 322,000 people in Naples couldn't possibly be subject to problems with drug and alcohol addiction. Yet, the problems here remain as significant as they are anywhere else in the United States. In fact, in Naples, heroin is a particularly severe issue.
While Florida as a whole can suffer with problems of substance abuse and drug addiction, heroin in Naples is growing more problematic by the year. In 2016, the sheriff’s office in Naples seized around $2.6 million worth of heroin, but addiction continues to run rampant in the city. The overdose rate in Naples leaped up by 61% between 2014 and 2015, and it's no surprise, when you consider the fact that Miami is one of the major ports into the US. South Florida is one of the most high-intensity drug trafficking areas in America.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Naples
It's important for people who are suffering from drug or alcohol abuse problems to seek help from a detox and intervention center. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the most common problems with addiction in Florida are not linked to alcohol, but to opioids like heroin and Fentanyl. Indeed, most of the time, people in Naples and Florida are admitted into rehab and treatment centers because they are using heroin and Fentanyl at the same time. Apparently, Fentanyl can increase the potency of heroin, but it also can create a lethal mix for drug users.
Between 2013 and 2015, Florida saw an increase of 281% in Fentanyl use, as well as an increase of 179% in heroin use. Cocaine saw an increase of 59%. No matter what the drug or alcohol addiction problem you suffer from involves, it's important to remember that the only way to truly overcome the chronic problem of addiction, is with a detox facility and a treatment center. Only by detox to remove the drug or alcohol from your system, and long-term outpatient counseling and therapy solutions, can addicted people begin to overcome their problem and re-enter society. Unfortunately, 85% of the people who need help in Florida will never get the support that they need.
This could be part of the reason why deaths in Florida caused by heroin have increased by almost 80% when compared to 2014.
Treatment Solutions in Naples
As the problems with binge-drinking in Naples continue to improve, the issues with heroin and drug addiction are growing worse. The good news is that there are a number of rehab and intervention centers in Naples that tackle both drug and alcohol problems. For instance, people can access help from the Wilough at Naples Center, the Substance Abuse Treatment Helpline, and the Crossroads at David Lawrence Center. There is also the Naples Metro Treatment Center and Golden Gate Counseling center for long-term inpatient or outpatient treatment depending on your needs and addiction.
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