Cape Coral, Florida has a total of 3 drug rehab listing(s) containing information on alcohol rehab centers, addiction treatment centers, drug treatment programs, and rehabilitation clinics within the city. Contact us if you have a facility in Cape Coral, Florida and would like to share it in our directory. Additional information about specific Cape Coral listings is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.
Cape Coral, Florida, is home to around 102,286 people. It is found in Lee County and it is located around 100 miles from Tampa and 95 miles from St. Petersburg. During the 1990s, the city's population grew quite a lot, by around 36%. This trend is still continuing, with a yearly growth rate of around 4.9%. Cape Coral does have a problem with drug and alcohol abuse. However, they have put a variety of measures in place to reduce this, and to ensure treatment is available for people battling an addiction. These efforts have been quite successful, seen in the fact that the levels of violent and property crimes in Cape Coral are well below the national average. A positive correlation has been identified between these types of crimes and substance abuse.
Statistics on Substance Abuse in Cape Coral, FL
Cape Coral authorities have been happy with the fact that the prevention, intervention, and treatment options they have put in place have been quite successful. However, public health officials feel that, until addiction has been completely eradicated, there is always room for improvement. Hence, they have conducted various pieces of research so they can identify which elements of substance abuse require the greatest attention.
In terms of driving under the influence, statistics have shown that 4.2% of the population have driven while under the influence of an illicit substance. The highest rate is among young adults, who are between the ages of 18 and 25. In fact, in this population group, 12.8% have driven while under the influence in the past year. Various initiatives have been put in place for this, including the Lee County Drug Court, where people arrested on a DUI may be offered the opportunity to seek treatment through detox and rehab facilities to avoid a criminal conviction.
Cocaine Abuse in Cape Coral, FL
Cocaine continues to be a readily abused drug in Cape Coral as well. It is believed that 0.7% of the population have abused powder cocaine in the past month. This may not sound significant, but public officials are worried that their prevention campaigns are not effective, as this level has not dropped. What has decreased, however, is the level of crack cocaine users, which now stands at 0.1% of the population, down from 0.2%.
Because Cape Coral has a strong focus on prevention, they also strongly study gateway drugs. While alcohol and cannabis are recognized as gateway drugs, public health officials also study cigarette smoking. What they found was that among those who between 18 and 22 years old:
Cape Coral wants to make sure its residents are aware of the various detox and rehab facilities that can be accessed by members of the community. These include residential and outpatient treatment facilities. While many are sent to the treatment centers through the drug court, public health officials are keen to inform people that they can also refer themselves.
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