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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

California Treatment Centers

Residential long-term drug treatment in California

There are a total of 748 drug treatment centers listed under the category Residential long-term drug treatment in california. If you have a facility that is part of the Residential long-term drug treatment category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in California is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 748 drug rehab centers in california. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on california drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • 1.3% of high school seniors have tired bath salts.
  • Amphetamine was first made in 1887 in Germany and methamphetamine, more potent and easy to make, was developed in Japan in 1919.
  • People who use heroin regularly are likely to develop a physical dependence.
  • Cocaine use can lead to death from respiratory (breathing) failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) or heart attack.
  • Nearly 23 Million people need treatment for chemical dependency.
  • Morphine subdues pain for an average of 5-6 hours whereas methadone subdues pain for up to 24 hours.
  • Most people try heroin for the first time in their late teens or early 20s. Anyone can become addictedall races, genders, and ethnicities.
  • Nearly a third of all stimulant abuse takes the form of amphetamine diet pills.
  • Outlaw motorcycle gangs are primarily into distributing marijuana and methamphetamine.
  • The most dangerous stage of methamphetamine abuse occurs when an abuser has not slept in 3-15 days and is irritable and paranoid. This behavior is referred to as 'tweaking,' and the user is known as the 'tweaker'.
  • Every day in the US, 2,500 youth (12 to 17) abuse a prescription pain reliever for the first time.
  • Dual Diagnosis treatment is specially designed for those suffering from an addiction as well as an underlying mental health issue.
  • According to some studies done by two Harvard psychiatrists, Dr. Harrison Pope and Kurt Brower, long term Steroid abuse can mimic symptoms of Bipolar Disorder.
  • Dilaudid, considered eight times more potent than morphine, is often called 'drug store heroin' on the streets.
  • In 2005, 4.4 million teenagers (aged 12 to 17) in the US admitted to taking prescription painkillers, and 2.3 million took a prescription stimulant such as Ritalin. 2.2 million abused over-the-counter drugs such as cough syrup. The average age for first-time users is now 13 to 14.
  • The United States represents 5% of the world's population and 75% of prescription drugs taken. 60% of teens who abuse prescription drugs get them free from friends and relatives.
  • Ecstasy can stay in one's system for 1-5 days.
  • Each year, nearly 360,000 people received treatment specifically for stimulant addiction.
  • 50% of adolescents mistakenly believe that prescription drugs are safer than illegal drugs.
  • Girls seem to become addicted to nicotine faster than boys do.

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