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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

California Treatment Centers

Outpatient drug rehab centers in California

There are a total of 2114 drug treatment centers listed under the category Outpatient drug rehab centers in california. If you have a facility that is part of the Outpatient drug rehab centers category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in California is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 2114 drug rehab centers in california. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on california drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Bath Salts cause brain swelling, delirium, seizures, liver failure and heart attacks.
  • Over 2.3 million people admitted to have abused Ketamine in their lifetime.
  • Stimulants can increase energy and enhance self esteem.
  • Over 1 million people have tried hallucinogens for the fist time this year.
  • More than half of new illicit drug users begin with marijuana. Next most common are prescription pain relievers, followed by inhalants (which is most common among younger teens).
  • Prescription opioid pain medicines such as OxyContin and Vicodin have effects similar to heroin.
  • A syringe of morphine was, in a very real sense, a magic wand,' states David Courtwright in Dark Paradise. '
  • In 2012, over 16 million adults were prescribed Adderall.
  • Nearly 23 Million people need treatment for chemical dependency.
  • Hydrocodone is used in combination with other chemicals and is available in prescription pain medications as tablets, capsules and syrups.
  • Rohypnol causes a person to black out or forget what happened to them.
  • Drinking behavior in women differentiates according to their age; many resemble the pattern of their husbands, single friends or married friends, whichever is closest to their own lifestyle and age.
  • 2.6 million people with addictions have a dependence on both alcohol and illicit drugs.
  • 31% of rock star deaths are related to drugs or alcohol.
  • 90% of people are exposed to illegal substance before the age of 18.
  • Almost 38 million people have admitted to have used cocaine in their lifetime.
  • 77% of college students who abuse steroids also abuse at least one other substance.
  • Approximately 1,800 people 12 and older tried cocaine for the first time in 2011.
  • A study by UCLA revealed that methamphetamines release nearly 4 times as much dopamine as cocaine, which means the substance is much more addictive.
  • Paint thinner and glue can cause birth defects similar to that of alcohol.

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