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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Minnesota Treatment Centers

Spanish drug rehab in Minnesota

There are a total of 64 drug treatment centers listed under the category Spanish drug rehab in minnesota. If you have a facility that is part of the Spanish drug rehab category you can contact us to share it on our website. Additional information about these listings in Minnesota is available by phoning our toll free rehab helpline at 866-720-3784.

Rehabilitation Categories

We have carefully sorted the 64 drug rehab centers in minnesota. Filter your search for a treatment program or facility with specific categories. You may also find a resource using our addiction treatment search. For additional information on minnesota drug rehab please phone our toll free helpline.

Drug Facts

  • Anorectic drugs can cause heart problems leading to cardiac arrest in young people.
  • Alcohol is a depressant derived from the fermentation of natural sugars in fruits, vegetables and grains.
  • The euphoric feeling of cocaine is then followed by a crash filled with depression and paranoia.
  • Cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive.
  • Cocaine gives the user a feeling of euphoria and energy that lasts approximately two hours.
  • Cocaine is one of the most dangerous and potent drugs, with the great potential of causing seizures and heart-related injuries such as stopping the heart, whether one is a short term or long term user.
  • Outlaw motorcycle gangs are primarily into distributing marijuana and methamphetamine.
  • Alprazolam is a generic form of the Benzodiazepine, Xanax.
  • Young adults from 18-25 are 50% more than any other age group.
  • Drug abuse and addiction changes your brain chemistry. The longer you use your drug of choice, the more damage is done and the harder it is to go back to 'normal' during drug rehab.
  • Prolonged use of cocaine can cause ulcers in the nostrils.
  • 64% of teens say they have used prescription pain killers that they got from a friend or family member.
  • Teens who start with alcohol are more likely to try cocaine than teens who do not drink.
  • Test subjects who were given cocaine and Ritalin could not tell the difference.
  • Dual Diagnosis treatment is specially designed for those suffering from an addiction as well as an underlying mental health issue.
  • Cocaine hydrochloride is most commonly snorted. It can also be injected, rubbed into the gums, added to drinks or food.
  • Long-term effects from use of crack cocaine include severe damage to the heart, liver and kidneys. Users are more likely to have infectious diseases.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Bath Salts do not cause cannibalistic behavior.
  • Young people have died from dehydration, exhaustion and heart attack as a result of taking too much Ecstasy.
  • One in ten high school seniors in the US admits to abusing prescription painkillers.

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