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Marijuana Rehab

The Unexpected Effects of Marijuana Treatment

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Marijuan Rehab for those who seek marijuana addiction treatment. The medical use of marijuana has become legal in over 20 states because of its potential to ease the pain of AIDS, glaucoma and cancer. Like alcohol, although it is legal, the prolonged use of marijuana poses many potential health threats. Most people believe that marijuana use only leads to becoming a lazy person with a significant lack of motivation; however, Psychopharmacology conducted a study to show that marijuana usage does have real, observable effects on how its users see, judge and react to various stimuli.

Marijuana Rehab

At a Marijuana Rehab, medical experts believe that marijuana use is popular mostly among young adults and college students; however, recent studies show that many adolescents have turned to using marijuana. In fact, over 2 percent of middle school aged children admitted to using marijuana at least once in their lifetime. Because marijuana has become legal in some states, the ease of getting their hands on the substance has significantly increased.

The most notable effects of marijuana use are as follows:

  • Lethargy
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • A sense of alteration
  • Altered visuospatial reasoning
  • Effects on attention
  • A reduction of intra-ocular pressure
  • Dryness, which creates red eyes.

Long-term marijuana use results in the activation of parts of the brain that are not normally used for memory tasks. While studies have been inconclusive and continuously debated, the effects should not be undervalued.

Respiratory and cardiovascular problems are the only long-term effects of smoking marijuana that are not debated by researchers. Other than that, the following list shows possible long-term effects:

  • Short-term memory loss
  • Decrease in IQ
  • Link to depression and other mental issues, such as unipolar depressions, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
  • Chronic obstructive lung disease

Additionally, The American Journal on Addictions conducted a study that indicates a link between marijuana use and the onset symptoms of mood disorders and/or schizophrenia. Marijuana is an anxiogenic substance and affects the norepinephrine levels, which are affiliated with our “fight or flight” response. Anxiety accompanied by cognitive changes can significantly increase the chance of a terrifying and psychologically damaging experience. Marijuana does not cause mental illness; however, if a marijuana user struggles with it, it can cause more mental damage.

It is important to seek treatment for marijuana addiction from a reputable marijuana addiction treatment center in order to regain control of behaviors and live a life free from the dependence of stimuli.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana Addiction Treatment at a Marijuana Rehab begins with a thorough assessment of both mental and physical health. As mentioned before, marijuana addiction can cause mental damage; therefore, a mental assessment is necessary in order to diagnose any underlying mental health issues. Following the assessments, marijuana addiction treatment patients begin a series of traditional and experiential therapies.

rehab for marijuana

Traditional and experiential therapies offered during rehab for marijuana include:

  • Solution focused brief
  • Brief strategic family
  • Mindfulness
  • Cognitive Behavioral
  • Equine
  • Yoga and meditation

These therapies are designed to help marijuana addiction patients learn to cope with everyday life. One of the best therapies offered at marijuana rehab centers is the brief strategic family because it educates the family on how they may have played a part in their loved one’s addiction. They will also learn how addiction affects overall health, what causes it, how to treat it and how to support someone who made the courageous decision to seek marijuana addiction treatment.

Having a strong support system will significantly increase the chance of a successful marijuana rehab and recovery. Marijuana addiction treatment centers provide guidance, support and evidence-based programs that can improve every aspect of life.

Why Education is the Number One Tool at Rehabs for Marijuan Addiction

The real facts about marijuana use Marijuana is legal in four states, as well as the District of Columbia, and according to some experts, has the potential to become legal in at least four more states by the end of this year! Like alcohol, because marijuana is legal, a lot of people have an issue believing that the prolonged use or excessive use of it will lead to negative effects on both mental and physical well-being. Because so many people are unaware of the potential dangers, education has become the number one tool at marijuana rehab centers.

Marijuana became legal in certain states because of its pain-easing abilities for those who suffer from AIDS, glaucoma or cancer. Believe it or not, although marijuana has its ups, it also has its downs; it is addictive and can lead to long-term mental damage. Marijuana affects the body’s mental state, short-term memory, ocular pressure and reasoning. It can cause an altered sense of time and space, as well as variations in mood. The body’s perceptions become unclear, problems with coordination occur and the development of depression may occur due to certain risk factors.

What most people do not know is that the THC in marijuana actually causes anxiety which is the exact opposite effect users of marijuana want to feel. Additionally, excessive or prolonged smoking increases the risk of the development of chronic obstructive lung disease. Although most people believe that marijuana is an all-natural healer, there are serious side effects that should be considered, which is why marijuana addiction treatment centers want to educate, not only their patients, but families and loved ones of patients, as well as the entire nation, on marijuana and how to get help.

Marijuana rehab begins with a thorough assessment of the mental and physical well-being of each patient. The physical assessment allows doctors to see if there are any wounds that need to be treated, as well as exactly how many toxic substances there are in the body. You’d be surprised how many addicts do not even know what kind or how much of a substance they ingested before the test. The mental assessment helps psychiatrists and therapists determine whether there may be any underlying mental health disorders that may be contributing to their addictive behaviors. The mental assessment also helps the staff at marijuana rehab treatment centers craft an individualized plan that will meet each patient’s unique and specific needs.

Everyone experiences addiction and reacts to treatment differently, which is why marijuana addiction treatment involves multiple therapeutic options. The therapeutic options are a combination of traditional and experiential therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and equine therapy. Traditional therapies are designed for patients to recognize their maladaptive triggers and replace them with positive coping mechanisms. The experiential therapies allow patients to focus on their inner-psyche and pinpoint certain triggers that may contribute to their addictive personalities.

Marijuana addiction treatment centers provide relief for those suffering from addiction. They teach patients how to live a healthy and happy life free from the dependence of stimuli.

Is Marijuana Addiction Real?

Many, even in the medical community, consider addiction to be rare—but very real. The truth is a majority of people can use marijuana without becoming addicted. However, the word “addiction” begs for a better understanding. Addiction is a condition of being addicted to a things, substance, or activity. It is the inability to stop at will. That being the case, there are, perhaps, millions of types of addictions. It is obvious that not all are bad and life-threatening. While marijuana may not be life-threatening, a person can certainly cross the line of casual use and enter a whole new realm of marijuana dependence and addiction.

People suffering from stress, mental health disorders, and other predispositions that may be genetic run the risk of addiction if they abuse marijuana. The reality is that most people who continually use marijuana are addicted. They simply cannot bring themselves to quit because they have not experienced extreme, harmful, side effects. On the other hand, millions of people are able to pick up marijuana and put it down at will. The fact that it is illegal in many areas is an incentive to detox if there is a brush with the law. If is affecting one’s life in a negative way, there is ample reason to stop using. While users may experience zero withdrawal symptoms, there are those unfortunate people whose health is placed at risk from continual use.

Marijuana Rehab Centers Offers a Viable Solution

Those suffering from addiction need clinical supervision, like that offered at marijuana treatment centers, to beat their addiction. Detox is the rehab process whereby harmful substances are flushed from the body. Marijuana houses a chemical called THC. Before rehab can truly begin, this chemical must be flushed out of the body. Marijuana addiction treatment can utilize therapeutic and medication remedies to help place the patient squarely on the road to recovery. During marijuana rehab, patients can also be assessed for co-occurring mental disorders that may have led to their addiction.

Cognitive behavioral therapies, along with counseling, are crucial because they give patients the tools to understand their addiction along with skills to identify and avoid triggers that can lead to relapse. Family members, or friends, at the client’s approval can also be include in counseling sessions. Group counseling has also proved to be quite effective for patients. When a patient reaches that point where casual use has become “dependence” use, marijuana rehab is the solution. The best thing that a family member or individual in Florida can do is get immediate help for the affliction.

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